An update and a brief digression

Just wanted to add on a note to yesterday’s post and a few new discoveries:

The epigram from the post came from Joyce Chng’s blog A Wolf’s Tale.  She adds some excellent commentary about the problem of dialects in Asian countries, particularly her home country of Singapore.  I have to admit, I had no idea this issue even existed.  (Indeed, I’m humbled at how much I don’t know about the world, even at my ripe old age.)  Please take the time to check out her blog, too–she contributes an important perspective to the discussion.


Have I ever told you how great Brevity is? This journal, the brainchild of Dinty Moore, is a pioneer in the genre of flash nonfiction.  Not only do they have a great blog that discusses all things nonfiction, they publish some true gems.  Three of my favorites from the most recent issue are Tim Hillegonds’s “A Story Like This,” about a father’s final meal with his daughter before he goes home; Sandra Gail Lambert’s “Poster Children,” which looks at the lives of disability activists; and Sonja Livingston’s “A Thousand Mary Doyles,” which encapsulates the experience of all the Mary Doyles who immigrated to the U.S. in the nineteenth century.  Go read these and discover others.  I can’t do justice to all of them here.

And finally:

Coriolanus, Act 1 Scene 2

Shakespeare in stick figure form!  Talking about fickleness!  Huzzah!

This comes from Mya Gosling’s blog, and it is truly hysterical.  Lots of Shakespeare comics, Shakespeare riffs, Shakespeare commentary, and even whole plays summarized in comic form.  Such a breath of fresh air in a world that takes Shakespeare waaaaaaaay too seriously.

Anyway, I’m off to procrastinate and read the comic version of King Lear.  More serious topics coming soon!

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